Sunday, September 30, 2012

Halloween Costume

Halloween is approaching!  Do you have a costume idea?  I do and will be posting pics of the preparations promptly (okay, so it may not be promptly but I was carried away by the alliteration!).
Here is a hint as to my costume:
 The suit is actually more of a turquoise/teal.  The lighting in the Goodwill dressing room was not ideal.  I'm going to add flowers to the lapel and possible modify the sleeves into giant puffs.  Can you guess who I'm going to be?

Stay tuned for progress posts.

Stay classy,

Friday, March 9, 2012

Letter from Hogwarts

Do you wish you had received a letter from Hogwarts for your 11th birthday?  Yeah, me too!  A friend of mine asked me to make one for her son's 14th birthday.  Here's the result:

What do you think?  I did it on parchment-looking paper with a micron pen and walnut ink for the "H".  The envelope was addressed:  [Name], Second Bedroom on the Left, [street address], [city, state], [zip code].
It was a big hit!  The boy loved it & said it was his best birthday card ever.  I'm so glad he enjoyed it!  I had such fun creating it.