Saturday, October 8, 2011

Do You Have a Superhero Power?

I do!  I'm "Proximity Pam"! My superhero power was discovered at work one day when I friend/coworker asked me to come help her with something.  I walked over to her cube, stood near her, and VOILA, problem solved.  So you were expecting telekinesis or the ability to generate magnetic fields?  Sorry.  My superpower mostly involves me standing near someone who has asked for my help with something - usually a computer problem - and within a minute or two, the solution is clear.  Kinda lame, I know, but it happens often enough that my friend/coworker dubbed me "Proximity Pam".

When I'm not using my powers to solve world problems, I'm an avid crafter, calligrapher and wanna-be artist.  I mainly do paper crafts, but dabble in all sorts of things. I have a YouTube channel where I've posted some crafting tutorials (

So I'll be blogging mostly about my crafting and calligraphy, with some miscellany thrown in (like superhero powers or favorite scents -mine are freshly made coffee and that lovely, slightly metallic, after-it-rains scent).

I'd love to hear about your superhero powers, favorite scents or what kind of artsy-craftsy things you like to do.  Please leave a comment!

Current Projects: Holiday (Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas) Cards and Wreaths
Cups of Coffee today: 2.5